
I genuinely cannot bring myself to go to work

I have been dealing with many issues relating to work as of late. For starters, any time I have to wake up for work, I get out of bed and have to coach myself into even going, and half the time I don’t go due to this overwhelming feeling of anxiety and dread about having to go in the first place. I am at a loss with what I can do to fix my problem, like many of you I just don’t believe in work as a construct, at least in the way that we have let it become. I find no enjoyment in what I can produce and no enjoyment in making money doing something I abhor. I keep telling myself that all I need is a change in attitude but no matter what, it always feels useless. While this is more or less a rant, I’d like to…

I have been dealing with many issues relating to work as of late. For starters, any time I have to wake up for work, I get out of bed and have to coach myself into even going, and half the time I don’t go due to this overwhelming feeling of anxiety and dread about having to go in the first place. I am at a loss with what I can do to fix my problem, like many of you I just don’t believe in work as a construct, at least in the way that we have let it become. I find no enjoyment in what I can produce and no enjoyment in making money doing something I abhor. I keep telling myself that all I need is a change in attitude but no matter what, it always feels useless. While this is more or less a rant, I’d like to hear about your similar experiences with work related anxiety and what you did to either deal with them or overcome them as I unfortunately do need an income to survive. Any advice or help is appreciated.

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