
I get paid well to spend most of my workday on my phone because my workload is light, and I feel bad earning more than other people who work harder jobs

I work at a great company that offers amazing benefits. The pay could be better given increased living costs, but it’s much more than my last job. I’m super lucky to be at this company. But a lot of days while I sit at my desk wasting time because I’ve finished my 3 hours of work, I remember how I used to work my ass off at restaurants or manual labor jobs making minimum wage and dealing with horrific management and no PTO or benefits. And I know that a lot of the country still lives like that. And I feel BAD making more money now for doing less work. But like, if the minimum wage and overall salaries were higher and people here were guaranteed PTO and health insurance then I wouldn’t feel bad. After years of shitty pay and jobs, this shitty capitalist society is making me feel…

I work at a great company that offers amazing benefits. The pay could be better given increased living costs, but it’s much more than my last job. I’m super lucky to be at this company. But a lot of days while I sit at my desk wasting time because I’ve finished my 3 hours of work, I remember how I used to work my ass off at restaurants or manual labor jobs making minimum wage and dealing with horrific management and no PTO or benefits. And I know that a lot of the country still lives like that. And I feel BAD making more money now for doing less work. But like, if the minimum wage and overall salaries were higher and people here were guaranteed PTO and health insurance then I wouldn’t feel bad.

After years of shitty pay and jobs, this shitty capitalist society is making me feel bad for finally making it. But still, it took me years of college and $30k of student loan debt and crappy jobs to get here, so is it really winning? (It will feel more like winning if student loans get canceled lol)

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