
I got a cease and desist order from the place I just left

So I was abused and talked about and so were many others where I worked. It is a non profit mental health place. They hired a loon toon Accountant to help with a merger. My partner who is a patient their complained to his doctor about how she treated me and speaks about others there including the doctor he sees. They sent me a letter saying I disclosed private employee information or something like that and that I did not inform them of my relationship with a patient. I did inform them and gave the names of two family members that used the facility. Why would they lie and why are they sending me certified letters when all of this came out after I was let go. I worked in accounts payable. TIA.

So I was abused and talked about and so were many others where I worked. It is a non profit mental health place. They hired a loon toon Accountant to help with a merger. My partner who is a patient their complained to his doctor about how she treated me and speaks about others there including the doctor he sees. They sent me a letter saying I disclosed private employee information or something like that and that I did not inform them of my relationship with a patient. I did inform them and gave the names of two family members that used the facility. Why would they lie and why are they sending me certified letters when all of this came out after I was let go. I worked in accounts payable. TIA.

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