
I got a raise… to the entry wage.

So last week was my 6 month evaluation where I received “meets requirements” on every topic with a note about how much I've learned and improved since I started working here. The manager then followed by saying, and I'm not making this shit up, “I'm giving you a dollar raise to $12/hr because that's what they have me hiring people at”. WTF. I knew if I said anything right then and there I'd say something I meant which wouldn't help me any. A couple days later my shift overlaps with the manager's again and I asked to speak with them. We stepped outside and I asked them if I heard that right, they said “Yes” with a pleasent tone. That tone quickly changed when I told them that's telling me you value me as much as some who doesn't work here yet. They immediately turned apologetic as they said thats…

So last week was my 6 month evaluation where I received “meets requirements” on every topic with a note about how much I've learned and improved since I started working here. The manager then followed by saying, and I'm not making this shit up, “I'm giving you a dollar raise to $12/hr because that's what they have me hiring people at”. WTF. I knew if I said anything right then and there I'd say something I meant which wouldn't help me any.

A couple days later my shift overlaps with the manager's again and I asked to speak with them. We stepped outside and I asked them if I heard that right, they said “Yes” with a pleasent tone. That tone quickly changed when I told them that's telling me you value me as much as some who doesn't work here yet. They immediately turned apologetic as they said thats not what they meant and that they are the least paid manager in the district (so talk to your manager about it). I asked what can be done to rectify the problem and “if I see improvement at your one year evaluation we can bump you up more”. You're not going to see improvement. They even mentioned that they brought on a minor with no work experience in at a rate higher than an adult who had worked here for over a year, I told her I know. (Building on that, I was brought in $.50 higher than the person training me, and that minor was brought in at $1 above me).

I'm furious over the situation. I'm going to speak with the district manager about it but I know he will make me jump through hoops and do a funny dance to get what I'm worth. “Family company” my ass.

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