
I got fired and boss was mad I wouldn’t have a sit down with him after

I have worked at a veterinary hospital for over 2 years, started as a CSR and worked my way up to Director of Client Services. I was used during this time, to essentially fire the practice manager. I was called into meeting to address some complaints about her, and was really used as leverage to push her out. Then some of her tasks were divided up and given to me. I was working diligently, but becoming increasingly burnt out. I was also feeling really weird about being used. In addition to the new tasks, there came the insanity of the practice owner. I saw this man pay more attention to a downed tree branch than someone sending the wrong insulin home. He talks in circles, he can't make a decision. He'll write you crazy notes about he wants everything changed, you'll change it and he spirals about how its not…

I have worked at a veterinary hospital for over 2 years, started as a CSR and worked my way up to Director of Client Services. I was used during this time, to essentially fire the practice manager. I was called into meeting to address some complaints about her, and was really used as leverage to push her out. Then some of her tasks were divided up and given to me. I was working diligently, but becoming increasingly burnt out. I was also feeling really weird about being used. In addition to the new tasks, there came the insanity of the practice owner. I saw this man pay more attention to a downed tree branch than someone sending the wrong insulin home. He talks in circles, he can't make a decision. He'll write you crazy notes about he wants everything changed, you'll change it and he spirals about how its not how it used to be. I started saving his notes to show him i was only doing what he asked. He flat out told me he expected me to just anticipate his needs and make decisions for him. How?? Huh??

One day I was asked to help with payroll while someone was called out on an emergency. Upon walking into the office, there is was on the screen: everyone's pay. I didn't scroll, I didn't snoop, I didn't do anything other than use my brain to process what was visible on the screen (4 people's salaries) relaize it wasnt for me to see, and close the screen. But I had already seen that 2 other people with similar roles in the practice were making exponentially more than I was. I typed up a list of all my contributions and asked to be paid fairly.

The owner attempted to give me a talking to about snooping, but when I reminded him that he asked me to process payroll and that's how I found it, he relented a gave me more money.

Now, a month later, he called me into his office and fired me because “I didn't like your attitude yeaterday”

Yesterday I had attempted to speak with a superior about feeling burnt out and feeling overwhelmed. I was blatantly ignored. Today when I was fired, I turned to her and pointing this out and acted like I was insane and said “what are you talking about”

I realized it was a banana republic and started to leave, and my boss got very angry “see this is the problem, you're always telling me what to do and you won't have a conversation”

What's there to have a conversation about bro? I've never had a write up, official reprimand, no forewarning, no disciplinary action. Nothing. You fired me cause you didn't like me, were paying me pennies, and you think I'm going to sit here and listen to you justify yourself so you can feel better??

I pretty much just waved him off and left. I filed for unemployment immediately and I secured a job interview for tomorrow. I'm just hoping it all works out.

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