
I got hit by a patron management don’t want to make it an issue.

Edit to make it very clear: I am an usher I am paid to be an usher I am not security. Firstly, I have to be vague due to my contract. This is as much detail as I can put it. It might even be too much detail. I work at a stadium, the stadium lets patrons onto the field after the game. This isn't managed by security this is managed by event day staff. Like me, my last shift, someone who was drunk decided to jump the fence to try and scare/tackle me. They luckily missed and only hit my arm which hurt for about 2 days afterwards. There actually might be a video of it out there somewhere not sure but the whole field is recorded. The problem comes after I'm hit. I tell my supervisor after coming off the field still not feeling the pain. They say…

Edit to make it very clear: I am an usher I am paid to be an usher I am not security.

Firstly, I have to be vague due to my contract. This is as much detail as I can put it. It might even be too much detail.

I work at a stadium, the stadium lets patrons onto the field after the game. This isn't managed by security this is managed by event day staff. Like me, my last shift, someone who was drunk decided to jump the fence to try and scare/tackle me. They luckily missed and only hit my arm which hurt for about 2 days afterwards. There actually might be a video of it out there somewhere not sure but the whole field is recorded.

The problem comes after I'm hit. I tell my supervisor after coming off the field still not feeling the pain. They say you're not hurt so it's fine. Even though the patron had a limp. I didn't want to argue the point, I was tired, I was angry. So, I just went home, on my way home is when my shoulder started to feel sore. I decided to email above my supervisor to management, they try to pressure me saying I should have reported it properly. I can't only supervisors can do reports. They say I should have stayed till it reported fully before leaving.

That I should be more aware of policy. My coworkers were shocked that it happened. It's not normal to get tackled but I was really lucky my injury wasn't worse. It's not safe to have 12 or so people with no security training trying to let thousands of people onto a field. Not even considering that lots of them are drunk. I have a shift coming up I'm on the same section where I got hit and I told them i don't think the event is safe. I also stated I'm not comfortable being on the field for the event.

They've scheduled me to work it even though I got hit last time. I think I should just quit I don't really need the job. I just feel bad for my coworkers. Who are actually great. Stadiums are understaffed for a reason I get it now.

Edit: Because people are missing it I'm not in any way shape or form security. I'm not trained as security. My job isn't security, it's not in my job description to do security.

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