
I got laid off after being asked to come back.

In the spring of last year (2022) I was between jobs. I filled out what seemed like hundreds of applications with no response. One day I got a call from one of my former employers with him saying he desperately needs people and didn't have time to train multiple people at once. I was then offered a raise from my previous wage from $11-$14per hour if I could start immediately. I of course accepted and went in the following day. A few days go by, upper management constantly thanking me for coming back, making sure I'm settling back into my old job etc. I stay with them for a couple months with absolutely no issues. They start recommending I move up in the company and start scheduling classes for me to get my forklift certification. Everything seemed to be going great. I got my kids back into a good daycare,…

In the spring of last year (2022) I was between jobs. I filled out what seemed like hundreds of applications with no response. One day I got a call from one of my former employers with him saying he desperately needs people and didn't have time to train multiple people at once. I was then offered a raise from my previous wage from $11-$14per hour if I could start immediately. I of course accepted and went in the following day.

A few days go by, upper management constantly thanking me for coming back, making sure I'm settling back into my old job etc. I stay with them for a couple months with absolutely no issues. They start recommending I move up in the company and start scheduling classes for me to get my forklift certification. Everything seemed to be going great.

I got my kids back into a good daycare, bill's got caught up and I was really enjoying my job. Until the owner of the company cane up and asked me to talk to him in his office ( pretty normal, usually wanted to ask me to do a couple extra things away from the roar of the machines) but this time I was informed I was getting laid off because the guy they had brought me back to cover for was released by his doctor to return to work without restrictions.

All that said I still would've come back but would've kept looking for another job

Tldr: got tricked into coming back to an old job by a desperate former employer only to cover for an injury without being told it was only a temporary job

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