
I got laid off. Went back to school. Finally ready to get back into some work to extend my savings.

Been applying to BS, not a care in the world jobs I can ride my bike to. Cashier. Stocking shelves. Waiting tables. Things that won't tax my mental energy like my corporate jobs did. I want to finish school. I was applying to a chain coffee shop. They wanted me to type my entire resume. Ugh. Bad enough. Whatever. Then they wanted me to put in three references. For a barista job. You're recruiting people who primarily have zero to no job experience, people. I closed the job application and went to the next one. Insta skip. I got laid off. I've never been laid off or fired. I'm finishing my bachelors, so at least if I have to work until I die, it's doing something I find interesting and not corporate bullshit. I'm not finding three references for a fucking barista job when I'm in my 30's. I'm starting…

Been applying to BS, not a care in the world jobs I can ride my bike to. Cashier. Stocking shelves. Waiting tables. Things that won't tax my mental energy like my corporate jobs did. I want to finish school.

I was applying to a chain coffee shop. They wanted me to type my entire resume. Ugh. Bad enough. Whatever.

Then they wanted me to put in three references. For a barista job. You're recruiting people who primarily have zero to no job experience, people.

I closed the job application and went to the next one. Insta skip.

I got laid off. I've never been laid off or fired. I'm finishing my bachelors, so at least if I have to work until I die, it's doing something I find interesting and not corporate bullshit.

I'm not finding three references for a fucking barista job when I'm in my 30's. I'm starting back over. It's fucking coffee. I show up after the first week or I don't.

I'll show up and put in exactly as much effort as I need to and do so reliably. You need my application more than I need to specifically work for you. I'm not typing up three references so you can tell my old boss I'm applying to a goddamned Dutch Bros after they laid me off, or tell my boss before who kept telling me I had so much potential beyond there and they saw me doing incredible things, that four years later I'm applying to sling coffees that may or may not have sprinkles on them.


Read the room, Dutch Bros. Your application was too long.

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