
I got my boss fired, but I am the “Psycho”

My boss has really started getting under my skin lately. I will give the shortest version I can give here as this story is very long in details. My boss has been a really a crummy person in all and just is always negative to me. But it was not much as I just ignored him and though of him as a bug in my life you just step on, he tries to mess with you than plans of mine take action. Well that is exactly what he did.. He gets mad at me and starts yelling at me in his office telling me I am not doing my job when in fact I am doing his job plus my job. I tell him “I suggest you lower your voice because if not bad things can happen, lets be friends here, it would be a suggestion” he still goes on…

My boss has really started getting under my skin lately. I will give the shortest version I can give here as this story is very long in details.

My boss has been a really a crummy person in all and just is always negative to me. But it was not much as I just ignored him and though of him as a bug in my life you just step on, he tries to mess with you than plans of mine take action. Well that is exactly what he did..

He gets mad at me and starts yelling at me in his office telling me I am not doing my job when in fact I am doing his job plus my job. I tell him “I suggest you lower your voice because if not bad things can happen, lets be friends here, it would be a suggestion” he still goes on telling me off worse saying he is my boss and he can talk how he wants to me. I tell him in a calm voice “so be it, you done it now” and I just left.

I start off with my journal on my plan elimination of the problem. He keeps being difficult with me just reassuring me to go forward with my plan on getting him fired now.

I started getting close with his boss and talking about our favourite things, and what we like to do. Over the months we were talking regularly at work, even taking lunch together.

After all that time, I show his boss how he is acting and what his performance is. After a while he tells me he will take action, the day has come he is getting fired finally.

My boss comes into the office yelling at me that day obviously because his boss told him he was being let go due to my investigation and all proofs. He starts saying “you got me fired you #%” all I told him in a calm voice was remember when you yelled at me in the office and I gave you warning to keep calm, well I guess you lost the battle, I win, you lose” he goes on to tell me “your a psycho, you planned all this!!” I just smile at him and tell him “goodbye friend”

Never saw him again.

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