
I got the strength to quit my 3rd job

It’s not really this “directors” fault. He’s Brand new to the org I have been there for almost 2 years as a cook getting paid dog shit and found out 2 months ago I was making what a starting diet aide was making.. never called out, have always gone above and beyond.. )when I found out how much the other cooks were making I did ask for a pay bump and was told they were not allowed to give raises at this time of year)… now, I don’t even know If they schedule me, or when to come in. ) I was disciplined last week for showing up late when I NEVER knew I was scheduled to come in earlier. It’s been a long time coming, I’m proud for this one. (I’ve always worked 1-7 unless they asked me earlier but my schedule is consistently 1-7 unless I’m told otherwise…

It’s not really this “directors” fault. He’s
Brand new to the org I have been there for almost 2 years as a cook getting paid dog shit and found out 2 months ago I was making what a starting diet aide was making.. never called out, have always gone above and beyond.. )when I found out how much the other cooks were making I did ask for a pay bump and was told they were not allowed to give raises at this time of year)… now, I don’t even know If they schedule me, or when to come in. ) I was disciplined last week for showing up late when I NEVER knew I was scheduled to come in earlier. It’s been a long time coming, I’m proud for this one. (I’ve always worked 1-7 unless they asked me earlier but my schedule is consistently 1-7 unless I’m told otherwise beforehand)

Have 2 other jobs, literally work there because I genuinely enjoy cooking (it’s a very crap nursing home).

Today I quit. 2 more shifts and I’m done.

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