
I guess this is a rant

Or more so a question. Why don't employers want to mess up their precious work schedule? I get that they have hrs of operation that they need to maintain and what not for public opinions, but what I don't get is why they aren't willing to work with more p/t workers. It seems everybody wants the 8-12hr workers, but I'm not built for that. My best hyper-focusing is at most 5hrs, later on in the evening. I've never been an early bird and I've joked around my whole life saying I'm more of a vampire than anything. I also have a bad stutter when I'm overwhelmed, so customer service anything is out. I use to cook, but now my tremors in my hands keep me from holding the knives safely. I feel like I'm running out of options at this point. Anyways, I know I'm not the only one with…

Or more so a question. Why don't employers want to mess up their precious work schedule?

I get that they have hrs of operation that they need to maintain and what not for public opinions, but what I don't get is why they aren't willing to work with more p/t workers. It seems everybody wants the 8-12hr workers, but I'm not built for that. My best hyper-focusing is at most 5hrs, later on in the evening. I've never been an early bird and I've joked around my whole life saying I'm more of a vampire than anything. I also have a bad stutter when I'm overwhelmed, so customer service anything is out. I use to cook, but now my tremors in my hands keep me from holding the knives safely. I feel like I'm running out of options at this point.

Anyways, I know I'm not the only one with these issues and it seems to me that more and more people are having a hard time with the standard 8hr/40hr work day/week. So, why won't more companies allow more p/t workers come in and work hrs that work best for them? It seems if company's, especially if they run 24/hrs, would benefit if they would break down their shifts into 4hr/shift and for those who want to work double or more let them. That way your employees would benefit from being able to work best at times that are better for them. Employers would see a rise is workers, because people would be willing to work less hrs, but also more if they need to; they would also see a rise in productivity, because no more mid-shift crash or people like me who loose focus.

Idk just a rant I guess

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