As the title says, I had my annual review today(everyone in the company gets their yearly reviews at the same time). My manager fought to get us a raise. But she informed us that the people at the top didn't want to give us any raise this year.
I work in logistics in the US in customer service. Due to all of the snow that the midwest faced this winter, a few of our depots are still behind, just due to 100+ inches of snow that came from the winter. One of them has around 200 shipments on their dock plus about six trailers that are waiting to be unloaded, and freight doesn't stop coming in, just because they're behind.
With that all being said. The reason the higher ups didn't want to give us any sort of increase in pay is because of all of the weather delays, despite having no control over the weather or the states shutting down the highways. This company made over 150 million last year and a projected increase to an extra 25-50 million this year