
I hate being surrounded by workaholics that can’t comprehend free time

So I work as a union subcontractor that works seasonal industrial shutdowns. I work March-Sept and I have my winters off and usually a month in the summer. The pay is great and I have a great work/life balance. Because I work temporary shutdowns I will go to an industrial plant for 4-8 weeks and I’ll get laid off after the work is complete and I’ll join my unions out of work list and repeat the process for about 6 months until I get to hibernate in the winter. The problem I face every single time I finish a job is when I tell my family and friends what I’m up to (just got my layoff, probably gonna hang out for a couple weeks before the next one) they act like I’m either the laziest human they’ve ever met or that I’m desperate for work, even though I do alright…

So I work as a union subcontractor that works seasonal industrial shutdowns. I work March-Sept and I have my winters off and usually a month in the summer. The pay is great and I have a great work/life balance. Because I work temporary shutdowns I will go to an industrial plant for 4-8 weeks and I’ll get laid off after the work is complete and I’ll join my unions out of work list and repeat the process for about 6 months until I get to hibernate in the winter.

The problem I face every single time I finish a job is when I tell my family and friends what I’m up to (just got my layoff, probably gonna hang out for a couple weeks before the next one) they act like I’m either the laziest human they’ve ever met or that I’m desperate for work, even though I do alright and 3/4 of my checks go into savings. Doesn’t matter that when I work I work between 60-72hr weeks and sometimes will work out of town, to them as long as I’m working I am a contributing member of society and when I’m not working I’m a leech sucking up Employment Insurance (that I pay into) it’s exhausting.

So here’s where the annoying part comes in. I JUST finished my last job on Friday (today is Monday) and I get a call last night at 8pm from my best friends dad who got me a cash job starting today. There was so question of asking if I was interested it was “be here for 6am, it pays X and it’ll last a week or 2” I was fully prepared to enjoy my summer or at the very least a couple weeks before I get to my next job and now I get put in this spot where I get told to be somewhere and when I start to object saying I’ll pass I get guilt tripped saying that he “stuck his neck out” for me and “it’ll look bad” on him if I no show, as if I ever asked for this in the first place. Now I’m not complaining about the work it’s rather easy stuff but the hours are long and I’m working outside which is where I’ve been working for the last 2 months and I’ve was really wanting a break in my newly air conditioned house. So now I’m in this situation where I show up because I don’t feel like I have a choice and because it’s my best friends dad I feel like there will be bad blood if I make him look bad.

Im just exhausted of being surrounded by people who’s sole value of life is determined by how much they work and I’m desperately trying to keep a good work life balance especially in this economy but I never get accepted for taking a break to enjoy things I like doing.

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