
I hate every single morning during the working week, I hate work.

Pretty much the title. I just need to vent out. I was scrolling this subredit during my shift today and I got so upset that I had to add a post aswell. I literally cant fall asleep on fridays after work because I am so happy that I have 2 days off infront of me. My paycheck isnt bad, my work is not that bad also. I just want to live my life, its so depressing to be stuck every single week for 40 hours in a place where I am only because I dont want to live on street. ​ Love you guys, stay strong

Pretty much the title. I just need to vent out. I was scrolling this subredit during my shift today and I got so upset that I had to add a post aswell. I literally cant fall asleep on fridays after work because I am so happy that I have 2 days off infront of me. My paycheck isnt bad, my work is not that bad also. I just want to live my life, its so depressing to be stuck every single week for 40 hours in a place where I am only because I dont want to live on street.

Love you guys, stay strong

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