
I Hate Head Hunters

So I am not looking for a job currently but a head hunter company reached out to me last week with a very appealing job requisition. I made it clear to them that I was interested and they said that I checked all the boxes for what they were looking for. Even though I wasn't actively looking, this was a potential move up for me (Manager for a fortune 100 company). I had 15 plus years of experience in my field and they seemed pretty excited as well. Anyways I went in for the interview(already had a phone interview) and they said that their client couldn't make it to the interview, which should have been red flag. Since I was already here, I met the people and did the standard introduction and background stuff. After all was said and done, they said “oh I didn't realize you have zero experience…

So I am not looking for a job currently but a head hunter company reached out to me last week with a very appealing job requisition. I made it clear to them that I was interested and they said that I checked all the boxes for what they were looking for. Even though I wasn't actively looking, this was a potential move up for me (Manager for a fortune 100 company). I had 15 plus years of experience in my field and they seemed pretty excited as well. Anyways I went in for the interview(already had a phone interview) and they said that their client couldn't make it to the interview, which should have been red flag. Since I was already here, I met the people and did the standard introduction and background stuff. After all was said and done, they said “oh I didn't realize you have zero experience in management, well our candidate is looking for someone who has been in a leadership role for at least 5 years.” For some reason, this just absolutely pissed me off because this tool bag had my resume knowing I had not been in any management positions prior so the fact that he was shocked just rubbed me the wrong way. What pissed me off even more was what he said after, “I don't think they will go with you at the moment, but they do however have a position open for a _________, it is a lower pay than what you are making now, but you will be in leadership in no time based on your experience”. I fell for the infamous bait and switch (make an appealing offer to grab interest from people not looking for jobs and then switch up a significantly lower role on you) and I was so mad….so angry…I just got up and said “Don't waste my fucking time” and left. The sad thing was, they weren't even shocked by what I did….they just sat there looking all stupid and shit.

If you are a recruiter and do this shit just to make your commission, go eat shit and fuck yourself.

The dude had the audacity to email me back saying that there must have been a misunderstanding, I just blocked him and moved on.

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