
I hate hospitality

Got a job as a barista because everywhere is desperate in Australia. I have a years experience, so I got an interview quickly after finally having the courage to leave my old shitty job working me 14h shifts with maybe 1, 30 minute break only if it’s not busy tho. They straight up lied in the interview, told me I could get paid more for my experience. Then half way through my second shift they tell me that my 2 weeks “training” (which I don’t need training keep in mind) are paid in cash way under minimum, then I get the bare minimum after. Like what the actual hell? Why is everywhere so bullshit right now no wonder there’s no staff If y’all keep treating us like this. Thanks rant over

Got a job as a barista because everywhere is desperate in Australia. I have a years experience, so I got an interview quickly after finally having the courage to leave my old shitty job working me 14h shifts with maybe 1, 30 minute break only if it’s not busy tho. They straight up lied in the interview, told me I could get paid more for my experience. Then half way through my second shift they tell me that my 2 weeks “training” (which I don’t need training keep in mind) are paid in cash way under minimum, then I get the bare minimum after. Like what the actual hell? Why is everywhere so bullshit right now no wonder there’s no staff If y’all keep treating us like this.

Thanks rant over

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