
I hate my coworkers

I am one of three post-covid hires. The other two are new trainees, after the last two left less than a year into this workplace. This office moved to remote during the first COVID lockdown, and has stayed remote ever since. But the employees who actually worked in the office are treated with such favoritism by the bosses. It's not a seniority thing, either; seniority is not a “skip every single call” card. I understand that our team is burnt out. We're a call center, and a tiny one at that- at our highest staffed, there was only seven people on the phones in my department. We serve hundreds of thousands of people. We have the ability to skip calls. Allegedly, it's because sometimes we have a massive note on an account, but my coworkers blatantly abuse the feature. There are times which I have gone on my 10 minute…

I am one of three post-covid hires. The other two are new trainees, after the last two left less than a year into this workplace.

This office moved to remote during the first COVID lockdown, and has stayed remote ever since. But the employees who actually worked in the office are treated with such favoritism by the bosses. It's not a seniority thing, either; seniority is not a “skip every single call” card. I understand that our team is burnt out. We're a call center, and a tiny one at that- at our highest staffed, there was only seven people on the phones in my department. We serve hundreds of thousands of people.

We have the ability to skip calls. Allegedly, it's because sometimes we have a massive note on an account, but my coworkers blatantly abuse the feature. There are times which I have gone on my 10 minute break, with absolutely nobody on a call, and come back to some poor caller who's been in the queue for 10 minutes.

I also end up being the only one in queue a staggering amount. But when I mention it in chat, my boss waits until someone has finally decided that they should maybe do their job and respond with “2 now.” Like. Great, thanks, I've still been alone in queue for however long it takes everyone to get their heads out of their asses. And they always blame breaks, lunches , followup time- like I don't have a copy of the schedule same as everyone else.

They're also out all the time, but when I told my boss I have an urgent doctors appointment scheduled two weeks out- which my doctor was begging me to come in earlier, but my partner works on my days off- I was told by the boss that the team really needs help on those days.

I can't take this to HR because the HR rep is also head of my department. She's the one enabling all this behavior. I fucking hate this system. I can't do this anymore. Every fucking job is like this, so why the hell bother trying to get anywhere else?

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