
I hate my job, but I’m scared to quit.

Hi everyone! I (23F) recruit and do admin work for an armored courier/security company founded about 15 years ago in a different state than I work in. It's still relatively small in my office when it comes to actual employees, but the business is doing very well. This complicates things, because there is too much work for just the 4 of us that work in the office/vault. I'm scramming to recruit drivers so that more of them can have shorter routes, and I can get out of the office sooner. I come in at 9:30am, and I don't have a set time off because I have to wait for all of the drivers to return to the office (usually, I'm out by 6 or 7pm). I don't have a lunch break, but they are considering giving us 30 min (which is pretty pointless IMO). Anyways, I don't mind the work…

Hi everyone! I (23F) recruit and do admin work for an armored courier/security company founded about 15 years ago in a different state than I work in. It's still relatively small in my office when it comes to actual employees, but the business is doing very well. This complicates things, because there is too much work for just the 4 of us that work in the office/vault. I'm scramming to recruit drivers so that more of them can have shorter routes, and I can get out of the office sooner. I come in at 9:30am, and I don't have a set time off because I have to wait for all of the drivers to return to the office (usually, I'm out by 6 or 7pm). I don't have a lunch break, but they are considering giving us 30 min (which is pretty pointless IMO).

Anyways, I don't mind the work I do, but I hate the hours and the lack of ability to take time off since there's only 4 of us. They acted like I was their saving grace when I got hired since they had so much of a workload. Since I started, they've basically guilt tripped me about every single time I've tried to take a day off. Which has been 3 times in 4 months (1 day each). They weren't even very understanding about a doctor's appointment I had this week. My supervisor is married to the regional manager. My vault partner is great, but she doesn't care how much we work, so she doesn't share the same opinions I do. She's also pretty tangled up with the supervisor and manager, because she's close friends with them. I really don't have anyone I can talk to at the company about my concerns with work-life balance. I know I have to work for money, but I can't stand working 9-10 hour days everyday of the week with no breaks. I understand that others do work that much, but I admit I'm not cutout for that. I'm making $45k a year on salary in a big city in the US.

Now, my point. I want to quit, but I'm having a hard time getting interviews in while working at my current job since they don't let me leave hardly at all. I also know that if I were to put my 2 weeks in, they would be pissed. I've only been here 4 months, it's my first job since moving to the city, but I can't do this for a very long time at all. I'll have a terrible time in those 2 weeks since I work so closely with those 3. But, am I being dramatic, or does this sound like a good enough reason to GTFO? Not to mention, it's insanely unprofessional for a multitude of reasons, but I can't tell headquarters that until I leave or there will be a whole discussion about it in our office, and I already can tell that nothing would change, I would just be outcasted. Everyone talks to everyone. I worked for a large corporation, and I honestly miss how put-together everything was, but I know working for a small business has it's perks as well.

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