
I hate my job more everyday but I feel stuck

29F here, I quit my first real job in late 2021 after 3 1/2 years, when covid had destroyed the industry. Tried something new then but quit after only 4 months, because that office had a bad bullying issue going on. I feel like I shouldn't even mention this one on my resume. Now I've been at a new job for a year, but I already feel burnt out. We're always understaffed. I have to jump between 2 offices to do 3 peoples jobs, answer the door for all kinds of visitors, while training a new coworker and answering the phone all fucking day. I can NEVER finish one effing task, because I'll get 3 new ones in the meantime. Everything I do is rushed and half-assed and I'm sick of it. It feels like I'm struggling to climb a mountain, and for every 2 steps I take I fall…

29F here, I quit my first real job in late 2021 after 3 1/2 years, when covid had destroyed the industry. Tried something new then but quit after only 4 months, because that office had a bad bullying issue going on. I feel like I shouldn't even mention this one on my resume.

Now I've been at a new job for a year, but I already feel burnt out. We're always understaffed. I have to jump between 2 offices to do 3 peoples jobs, answer the door for all kinds of visitors, while training a new coworker and answering the phone all fucking day. I can NEVER finish one effing task, because I'll get 3 new ones in the meantime. Everything I do is rushed and half-assed and I'm sick of it. It feels like I'm struggling to climb a mountain, and for every 2 steps I take I fall back 5… The pay sucks too but this job does have comparatively good benefits and PTO.

Anyway, wtf should I do. I'm irritated and tired all the time and don't sleep well any more. I notice myself becoming increasingly more rude towards colleagues and customers because of the stress. Sometimes I cry at home because of all the chaos and unfinished tasks, and I've gained weight from stress-eating too. But I don't want to become a “job hopper”. It seems to be the same everywhere anyway…

I love this sub and the stories on here are so satisfying. I truly hope we're gonna have a work-revolution soon.

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