
I hate my work and all I want to do is quit, but what if Im just being dramatic?

Basically, I workshop in tech with information security, and am currently at this job for the last 3 months. I love my coworkers, they are nice, my managers are great people and Im friends with all of them. However, there's this other team that is known for being really difficult. I have to work directlu with them, need their help with infos, to make sure stuff are done correctly, etc, and I hate it. They all basically ignore me, don't answer my messages, my emails, and sometimes it looks like Im begging them for the most basic stuff – like answering me. I have to keep escalating to their manager and even then, the manager ignores me and only do something if his boss asks him to. I hate this feeling where I have to beg coworkers to reply to my emails, to enter in meetings, etc. And my manager…

Basically, I workshop in tech with information security, and am currently at this job for the last 3 months. I love my coworkers, they are nice, my managers are great people and Im friends with all of them.

However, there's this other team that is known for being really difficult. I have to work directlu with them, need their help with infos, to make sure stuff are done correctly, etc, and I hate it. They all basically ignore me, don't answer my messages, my emails, and sometimes it looks like Im begging them for the most basic stuff – like answering me. I have to keep escalating to their manager and even then, the manager ignores me and only do something if his boss asks him to.

I hate this feeling where I have to beg coworkers to reply to my emails, to enter in meetings, etc. And my manager keep asking me to just keep escalating and sending e-mails, but I feel a little humiliated sometimes because of this and its affecting my mental health.

The problem is that this is the best paying job I ever got, my bf works in the same team so Im afraid that me leaving after just a few months may impact him. So sometimes I think that I should just suck it up and keep working there, but there are moments like now that I just wanna cry and quit and go back to the dev world where things are simpler and I dont depend others that much.

Am I being too dramatic?

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