
I hate the stigma around periods in the workplace.

The fact that it's nearly 2023 and women all around the world are gaslight into going to work despite having to deal with excruciating pain it's disgusting. We need more laws safeguarding the right to work for women with these types of reproductive issues. I'm one of many women who unfortunately has to take time off during the first day of my period because the pain is so bad it can be paralyzing and I'm told to essentially toughen up by female management, it drives me crazy that there's virtually no sympathy towards such a common health issue. Those who can work from home at least can stay in bed with a hot water bottle but those of us who work retail and other jobs like that are literally f##d. So I decided to stop feeling bad when I have to take a day off when my insides are literally…

The fact that it's nearly 2023 and women all around the world are gaslight into going to work despite having to deal with excruciating pain it's disgusting.

We need more laws safeguarding the right to work for women with these types of reproductive issues.

I'm one of many women who unfortunately has to take time off during the first day of my period because the pain is so bad it can be paralyzing and I'm told to essentially toughen up by female management, it drives me crazy that there's
virtually no sympathy towards such a common health issue.

Those who can work from home at least can stay in bed with a hot water bottle but those of us who work retail and other jobs like that are literally f##d.

So I decided to stop feeling bad when I have to take a day off when my insides are literally becoming my outsides I don't care anymore I'm already suffering enough as it is without the guilt trip.

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