
I hate this country

my mom is in her room crying to someone on the phone (i assume a coworker she's close to) about how demoralized she is because of her management continuously being awful for the last few years she's had this job. without going too into specifics they hired her with a false impression of what the company was going to be like, and even though she is glad she gets to work from home, every other aspect of the job stresses her out to no end and it's taking a serious toll on her mental and physical health. she has been underutilized, passed over on promotions because she's too valuable to lose in her current position, not supported in any way, and micromanaged to no end even though shes more than capable of handling herself. i know many of you would probably say to look for a new job but she…

my mom is in her room crying to someone on the phone (i assume a coworker she's close to) about how demoralized she is because of her management continuously being awful for the last few years she's had this job. without going too into specifics they hired her with a false impression of what the company was going to be like, and even though she is glad she gets to work from home, every other aspect of the job stresses her out to no end and it's taking a serious toll on her mental and physical health. she has been underutilized, passed over on promotions because she's too valuable to lose in her current position, not supported in any way, and micromanaged to no end even though shes more than capable of handling herself.

i know many of you would probably say to look for a new job but she is almost at retiring age and has been passed over for promotions and many new jobs once they figure out her age, even though she is massively overqualified and has more than enough skills and experience to perform over standards. she has been a single mom pretty much my entire life and has worked so hard and I'm so tired of seeing it never pay off for her. she deserves better and this country sucks ass for letting ageism and sexism be the norm. she just wants a tolerable life after spending the last 40 years slaving away just trying to survive and raise her kids. i want her to have a new job she isnt so stressed about all the time and that doesnt eat away so many of her waking hours but what is she supposed to even do in this situation???? I don't even know how I can help

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