
Not all Management!!

I work for a manufacturing plant as a production supervisor. I just got screamed at like there is no tomorrow because I asked one of my operators to go for training! This is a reminder that you shouldn't take your frustration about the way companies treat you on people that have nothing to do with your oppression! Your mid-management boss isn't doing anything other than what they are told by their bosses, and if they refused hell goes loose! I being in the position for a couple of months am not responsible for years of oppression either! Please understand that I'm an anti-work, anti-caplitalist, f*** this, kind of person. I'm with you! I'm with all of us being free of this. Im jusy trying to make a living and being exploited as a young person just like you. Stop attacking people that are literally supporting you and already shielding you…

I work for a manufacturing plant as a production supervisor. I just got screamed at like there is no tomorrow because I asked one of my operators to go for training!

This is a reminder that you shouldn't take your frustration about the way companies treat you on people that have nothing to do with your oppression! Your mid-management boss isn't doing anything other than what they are told by their bosses, and if they refused hell goes loose! I being in the position for a couple of months am not responsible for years of oppression either!

Please understand that I'm an anti-work, anti-caplitalist, f*** this, kind of person. I'm with you! I'm with all of us being free of this. Im jusy trying to make a living and being exploited as a young person just like you. Stop attacking people that are literally supporting you and already shielding you from so much crap.

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