
I hate when bosses let customers get away with stuff, after you tell the customer no

Whenever that happens it’s always phrased In a way that makes it seem like, I was just wrong. Worst part, most of the time they decide in that moment, thats how we’re gonna do it from now on. Also when they change things before hand, but forget to tell me that they’ve changed. Then find out after I tell the customer and get corrected. It’s not all the time and I’m not the only one it happens to but it’s annoying. Rest of the time he’ great tho.

Whenever that happens it’s always phrased In a way that makes it seem like, I was just wrong. Worst part, most of the time they decide in that moment, thats how we’re gonna do it from now on. Also when they change things before hand, but forget to tell me that they’ve changed. Then find out after I tell the customer and get corrected. It’s not all the time and I’m not the only one it happens to but it’s annoying. Rest of the time he’ great tho.

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