
I hate when people say money doesn’t equal happiness

As I agree with this to a certain degree, I also very much disagree considering the situation I am currently in. My bf and I have awful luck with jobs. His last job literally just stopped paying him and the boss went no contact, but due to us having no money already we couldn’t pursue legal action. My job is only part time, and so basically we are going to be evicted cause we can’t afford rent. We have a 9 month old as well. If we had money, we wouldn’t be stuck in such an awful situation. We won’t be homeless but will have to move in with his mom who only has one very tiny room that all three of us will have to share after having accumulated a whole 3 bedroom apartments worth of stuff. We will also have to rehome our cat that we’ve raised since…

As I agree with this to a certain degree, I also very much disagree considering the situation I am currently in. My bf and I have awful luck with jobs. His last job literally just stopped paying him and the boss went no contact, but due to us having no money already we couldn’t pursue legal action. My job is only part time, and so basically we are going to be evicted cause we can’t afford rent. We have a 9 month old as well. If we had money, we wouldn’t be stuck in such an awful situation. We won’t be homeless but will have to move in with his mom who only has one very tiny room that all three of us will have to share after having accumulated a whole 3 bedroom apartments worth of stuff. We will also have to rehome our cat that we’ve raised since a kitten and we love and our daughter loves cause he can’t come with us. So the morale of this story is, money can equal happiness to a certain degree. I am beyond miserable and depressed with this situation and would be a hell of a lot happier if we had the money to afford a place to live. Side note, we both have been applying to anything and everything and nobody wants to answer us back

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