
I have a decent job but absolutely hate it

I work for a company making decent money but I feel stuck. I absolutely hate it here, it isn't the worst job I had I just hate the type of work. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I don't get off at a decent time, I never get to see my child and it's just not what I want. My S.O is hell bent on me staying with this company but I'm miserable everyday I have to go to work. I feel like I have no life and I feel as I'm just alone. I work late, wake up not seeing my child because they are in daycare and by the time I get off they are asleep. I can occasionally see them when I get a decent lunch time but that's not often. In March my manager said they will ask me about changing my hours but it's…

I work for a company making decent money but I feel stuck. I absolutely hate it here, it isn't the worst job I had I just hate the type of work. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I don't get off at a decent time, I never get to see my child and it's just not what I want. My S.O is hell bent on me staying with this company but I'm miserable everyday I have to go to work. I feel like I have no life and I feel as I'm just alone. I work late, wake up not seeing my child because they are in daycare and by the time I get off they are asleep. I can occasionally see them when I get a decent lunch time but that's not often. In March my manager said they will ask me about changing my hours but it's dragging everyday. I literally feel depressed, I don't get to see my S.O either except for a few minutes before they leave for work. I know this post is all over the place but idk what I should do, I was just off being in the hospital sick for 3 weeks and I'm scared to tell my manager and rock the boat. I hope everyone can be kind and give me good advice.

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