
I have a great job. How can I help others get the same?

I work in academia (postdoc). There are tons of problems but some things are great (it’s very hit or miss if things are wonderful, ok, or soul crushing). I’m not paid well enough but I get good benefits, have few managers, and control my own schedule. Controlling my own schedule means I take breaks when I want to, days off when I want to (mostly), and chose where work gets done (if the lab isn’t required). I’m not planning on staying in academia, so how would I go about bringing the joy of this work set up to others? Obviously the current system sucks. How are we forcing change?

I work in academia (postdoc). There are tons of problems but some things are great (it’s very hit or miss if things are wonderful, ok, or soul crushing).

I’m not paid well enough but I get good benefits, have few managers, and control my own schedule. Controlling my own schedule means I take breaks when I want to, days off when I want to (mostly), and chose where work gets done (if the lab isn’t required).

I’m not planning on staying in academia, so how would I go about bringing the joy of this work set up to others? Obviously the current system sucks. How are we forcing change?

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