
I have a laptop from work, can the admin see what I’m doing if I created a second Windows profile for outside of work stuff?

Apologies if it's not related much. I got a laptop from work where I have all of the stuff needed to work with shared folders & files. On top of that, in that Windows user, when necessary – IT / CEO can monitor activity for any reason. I also use this laptop for other stuff while out of work since my current PC is not working. I created a second Windows user just for that, it has no shared folders and I don't see evidence of possibility for activity other than mine. Could anyone assure me whether it's possible or not to monitor the laptop with any profile created, or is it just the work Windows user? Many thanks.

Apologies if it's not related much.

I got a laptop from work where I have all of the stuff needed to work with shared folders & files. On top of that, in that Windows user, when necessary – IT / CEO can monitor activity for any reason.

I also use this laptop for other stuff while out of work since my current PC is not working. I created a second Windows user just for that, it has no shared folders and I don't see evidence of possibility for activity other than mine.

Could anyone assure me whether it's possible or not to monitor the laptop with any profile created, or is it just the work Windows user?

Many thanks.

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