
I have been targeted for speaking up about racism now manger is getting physical with me

I (23f) have worked for this very large paint company for 2 years. The location I work at has been chaotic for quite sometime. We have had 3 manger in the span of 1 year. Manger #1 (M#1) was fired, manger #2 (M#2) quit, and now we have new management (M#3). One day M#2 accused me of possession of drugs. She had claimed I smell like marijuana and threatened to have the police called on me. I never had drugs on me so I agree to having the police called as well as my manger to go through my bag and pat me down. M#2 never looked through my bag or patted me down instead she called the district manger which he wrote me up for something unrelated. I was gave me a warning for possession of drugs that I did not have. Police never got called but I offered…

I (23f) have worked for this very large paint company for 2 years. The location I work at has been chaotic for quite sometime. We have had 3 manger in the span of 1 year. Manger #1 (M#1) was fired, manger #2 (M#2) quit, and now we have new management (M#3).

One day M#2 accused me of possession of drugs. She had claimed I smell like marijuana and threatened to have the police called on me. I never had drugs on me so I agree to having the police called as well as my manger to go through my bag and pat me down. M#2 never looked through my bag or patted me down instead she called the district manger which he wrote me up for something unrelated. I was gave me a warning for possession of drugs that I did not have. Police never got called but I offered for my manger and district manger pat me down and go through my purse. The district manger agreed that i did not smell like drugs ( I have an email of him agreeing).

(Pior to all of this M#2 blew vape smoke in my face as well as my other coworker, made tiktok videos of her twerking in uniform, on the clock, and in the store. I inform HR about this but nothing was done.)
The next day M#2 made racist remarks to my coworker in front of everyone to embarrass her. M#2 called my coworker “A ghetto version of a Mexican.”

The day I was forced to sign off on my write up. I expressed that my manger made racial comments to me and my coworker as well as acussed me of drugs.
HR never did anything to her and she continued to harrass me at work.(she locked me out the store, yelled at me, and excluded me out.)

On her last day she accused me of having drugs as well and I had to write a statement again.

Now the most recent event. My coworker and i are working with a customer. The customer gets in my face because i didnt say hello to him earlier that day. The assistant manager (AM) comes from the bathroom and is walk towards me. I tell the AM that the customer is being rude to me. The customer starts to make fun of me because I am wearing a mask. The customer proceeded to get closer to me and tells me that I need to greet him everytime he walks through the doors. I walk away from him because I am crying and I needed space. The AM asks me if I'm okay. I respond “no I am no okay.” He asks me do I want a hug. I say no. He asks me if I want a high five. I say no. The assistant manager screams at me, “I'm not the bad guy!”. After I rejected his advances he goes to the office to grab his things. As he is walking out the back door he screams “I'm going to the gym!”
(Yes, my coworker witnessed all of this)

The next day the AM comes in at 8am he doesn't speak to me since he is still mad that i rejected him. I continue in with my day. I'm working on a order. I cracking my can open and about to tint when I hear AM from the warehouse saying “I need to go first. I'm going first.” I ignore him since he is not in the tint room and doesn't have his gallons yet for his order. As im about to select the dispense button. AM snatches the mouse from my hand. Then changes the screen and shoves me using his body weight. AM is twice my size. (Contractors witnessed all of this happening but none of my othe coworkers are there) I immediately tell the M#3 that AM has pushed me. AM and M#3 have a meeting while I am working with customers.

I just left a meeting with a district manager who told me the next time I just let my manger go first. I don't think he plans to do anything about this.

We have had meetings with AM, another manager, and all the female coworkers about his aggressive nature and how he's acted towards the 2 women who have worked at the location. A part timer who quit due to how he was acting towards her. Another coworker has told me that AM has yelled at her and made her cry. I no longer feel safe working and I don't know what to do. Am I legally protected? Everywhere I applied has not been hiring regardless of their hiring sign. I can't afford to quit I have to support myself through school and I only have a year left.

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