
I have COVID and everything is worse now

The company I work for expects us to show up in the office regardless. They don't care if we spread it to our coworkers. They don't care if we're vomiting our guts up. Plus why the fuck give us sick pay and still give us a point for using it??? 6.5 points and you lose your raise. 8 and you're fired. The best part? That doesn't reset January first. It's from the date you called in. There's also no exceptions. Your family member could be dying and they'd say “Well M is going to be here alone tonight.” Ugh.

The company I work for expects us to show up in the office regardless. They don't care if we spread it to our coworkers. They don't care if we're vomiting our guts up. Plus why the fuck give us sick pay and still give us a point for using it??? 6.5 points and you lose your raise. 8 and you're fired. The best part? That doesn't reset January first. It's from the date you called in. There's also no exceptions. Your family member could be dying and they'd say “Well M is going to be here alone tonight.” Ugh.

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