
I have done excess voluntary overtime for years and not being paid for it and unknowingly not been paid for it

Hello all! Sorry if this is the wrong sub to post this in as it's more of a question about my situation. First, I live and work in the UK. My job is very full on and extremely demanding, to the point where targets and goals are realistically unobtainable in my 9-5. So, to get it over the line, I've done voluntary over time to stay in the green. Effectively I saw it as putting the extra work in now so that it makes mine and my colleagues work lives easier in the long run. I also have a bad habit of not looking at my pay slips properly, so this is something I've really just only noticed after years, but I have not been paid for this voluntary over time, something that was not asked of me or authorised by my managers, but something I took upon myself. I…

Hello all!

Sorry if this is the wrong sub to post this in as it's more of a question about my situation.

First, I live and work in the UK. My job is very full on and extremely demanding, to the point where targets and goals are realistically unobtainable in my 9-5. So, to get it over the line, I've done voluntary over time to stay in the green. Effectively I saw it as putting the extra work in now so that it makes mine and my colleagues work lives easier in the long run.

I also have a bad habit of not looking at my pay slips properly, so this is something I've really just only noticed after years, but I have not been paid for this voluntary over time, something that was not asked of me or authorised by my managers, but something I took upon myself.

I just wanted to know where I stand from a legal perspective, or is it because it was not authorised, I'm shit out of luck? I've now gone through the last 2 years of payslips and from my own records, I've missed out on nearly 100 hours of pay.

It's only after joining this subreddit that I've come to terms with the fact that this has all been really fucking stupid to begin with and that I shouldn't be put in the position where I have to make myself work grueling days to achieve what is set for me. This is something I am changing going forward, not just because of the lack of pay but because the system is rigged to begin with.

We use a well known clock in, clock out program that many uk businesses use, and looking at my logged hours from last week as example I can see that the extra 3 hours I did was not logged and my clock out time was manually changed.

Do I have any options here or am I just shit out of luck and take this as a learning experience?

Many thanks guys. Reading your posts has made me realise that I shouldn't take a companies failings on myself.

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