
I have lost everything

I don't ever tell anyone my problems or issues I have always kept everything inside and smile to make sure the people around me are happy and not worrying about anything especially me so I'm glad I can post here. I'm 24 and I was trading in the stock market during peak pandemic and made around $400k USD. I have since lost everything on options within the past 7 months. I have little money to my name and I owe people very BAD people if you will gambling debt. Around 300k ish. Yes I regret every bad choice I have made but I don't know what to do or where to go . I have to make a large amount in the next few months or I'm a goner. No this is not a joke , not a scam , not me begging. I just need advise , options something.…

I don't ever tell anyone my problems or issues I have always kept everything inside and smile to make sure the people around me are happy and not worrying about anything especially me so I'm glad I can post here. I'm 24 and I was trading in the stock market during peak pandemic and made around $400k USD. I have since lost everything on options within the past 7 months. I have little money to my name and I owe people very BAD people if you will gambling debt. Around 300k ish. Yes I regret every bad choice I have made but I don't know what to do or where to go . I have to make a large amount in the next few months or I'm a goner. No this is not a joke , not a scam , not me begging. I just need advise , options something. At this point I'm willing to do anything. Willing to do absolutely everything legal not legal at this point to get out of this large debt and back on my feet to support the people around me and myself. I don't want to end it all . But this has made me go into a good amount of depression and just lost im lost im frustrated with myself and I have lost faith and I just don't know what to do at this point. You can call me an idiot you can comment I'm stupid and should run away or kms. But I wish it was that easy I wish I could. I wish I could end it all but that's selfish of me I don't want to leave my family and loved ones with something like that.

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