
I have never understood money

I have never understood the whole, “work while you're young, live while you're old” retirement strategy. I don't want to give my life's work to a corporation. I have never understood the point of banks. Why do we keep our money in the hands of those whose declared intent is to profit from someone else's work. What is a loan? I have never understood working more than 25-35 hours a week. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, there is diminishing returns at a certain point. And here is where the conundrum lies… When you have no money, your options are very limited. I am not willing to practice what I believe is bad. I believe that taking a man's time, more than 20 hours a week, is the worst thing you could do to his children, especially if he loves those children. I believe that you are only fooling yourself…

I have never understood the whole, “work while you're young, live while you're old” retirement strategy. I don't want to give my life's work to a corporation.

I have never understood the point of banks. Why do we keep our money in the hands of those whose declared intent is to profit from someone else's work. What is a loan?

I have never understood working more than 25-35 hours a week. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, there is diminishing returns at a certain point.

And here is where the conundrum lies…

When you have no money, your options are very limited. I am not willing to practice what I believe is bad. I believe that taking a man's time, more than 20 hours a week, is the worst thing you could do to his children, especially if he loves those children. I believe that you are only fooling yourself if you think keeping him for 40 hours is going to get more work out of him than you got in the first 20. He has other things on his mind, his life, that will cause him to burn out. I believe that forcing generations of people into this lifestyle has gotten everyone practicing scamming your corporation to maximize pay. I believe it has parents too exhausted to take an interest in anything because they spend all day turning their life's work into a corporate contract. They patiently ignore their own desire and practice making money, instead. I am not a thief. After you got all I can give you, I'm ready to clock out and go play with my son's hot wheels track. When you force me to stay for an hour beyond that, you are just asking for corruption. The whole corporate structure is too ridged to breed healthy life for more than a few. Life is not money. It's completely illegal to live without money. Unhealthy behavior comes from misunderstanding life. Our culture has actively twisted life to be about money and produced nothing but corruption with our corrupt understanding. How can I participate in, and support such willful ignorance?

There are plenty of better, more productive, more satisfying for everyone, business models and practices that are outperformed by corrupt models. If life is about money, then the practice of corruption is inherent in life. Life is not about money, and I am not willing to give my life for money. Forced servitude, and corrupt morality are the only products of worshiping money. I am only willing to live for the sincere love of my family. If anything gets in the way of that, I am not the problem to be moved. It is well past time that we stopped giving our life's work to corporations, and encouraging everyone to practice such a destructive way of corrupting life.

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