
I have no idea what to do, or who to vent too.

NEVER WORK AT A FAMILY BUSINESS! I’m going to try my best to explain, I do apologize if it seems all over the place. So I have been working for this family run business for 4 years. But the last several months have been taking a lot on me mentally.. So backstory of who works here is the mom (who’s husband started the business) her three sons, one of her sons wife, and me (I am the only one who works here who isn’t family) There was a cousin who was working here as well but she left (due to how this place is run) The sons wife is the only person who works in the office part with me. The rest is running trucks, or doing financial stuff. The more and more I have worked here, the less and less she works. She hardly shows up, when she’s suppose…


I’m going to try my best to explain, I do apologize if it seems all over the place.

So I have been working for this family run business for 4 years. But the last several months have been taking a lot on me mentally..

So backstory of who works here is the mom (who’s husband started the business) her three sons, one of her sons wife, and me (I am the only one who works here who isn’t family)

There was a cousin who was working here as well but she left (due to how this place is run)

The sons wife is the only person who works in the office part with me. The rest is running trucks, or doing financial stuff.

The more and more I have worked here, the less and less she works. She hardly shows up, when she’s suppose to be. It never was really an issue before because it usually was when I was gone. (I come in early and leave early only 6 hours a day)

Well since the cousin left. Now she books all her appointments/errands/everything that she could do outside of work or on the weekends during work..when I’m specifically here.

I’ve been handling that okay, but now her daughter is in spring break… we was told we work on Good Friday, guess who didn’t work on Good Friday because her daughter wanted to go to the beach? You guessed it… his wife. So I was required to be here all by myself and she was texting me “so glad we came today” The rain cut there vacation short and NOW she wanting to go Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday!! So guess who’s going to have to work their not normal hours to cater to her???.. (it hasn’t been asked yet but I know it will be because I’m the only other one who answers phones)

It really eats away at me mentally because I feel like my time/work ethic doesn’t matter/get acknowledged.

I’ve tried applying to other jobs, and got multiple job interviews (I only went to one because my anxiety is so bad with change) and a job offer.

But for the amount of hours/pay I do, I wasn’t even making as much as I would if I worked more hours…

I’m so lost, I don’t know what to do, mentally I can’t take it anymore. I’m sorry if this was all over the place and it you read it to the end thank you for sticking through it.

I feel like calling out of work just as a bit F you to them, but i don’t know… I’m just so lost.

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