
I have survivor’s guilt…

At the beginning of my teenage years, stretching all the way to the point when I became an adult I didn't consider college a good idea. College in general (especially in the U.S. where you add on crippling debt) lands you a job you feel like everyone else is looking for. There's basically no positions left open because the majority of your friends attended college and now you're all competing for the same leveled jobs. I made the decision when I was 18 that I didn't want to go to college… And by doing so I secured a trade job right away with pretty good pay while my ex-colleagues struggled through tests and endless nights spent studying subjects they weren't even sure they were interested in (because you decide too young). And now, when they got their degrees, they're struggling to find jobs, or accepting lesser positions in their field…

At the beginning of my teenage years, stretching all the way to the point when I became an adult I didn't consider college a good idea.

College in general (especially in the U.S. where you add on crippling debt) lands you a job you feel like everyone else is looking for. There's basically no positions left open because the majority of your friends attended college and now you're all competing for the same leveled jobs.

I made the decision when I was 18 that I didn't want to go to college… And by doing so I secured a trade job right away with pretty good pay while my ex-colleagues struggled through tests and endless nights spent studying subjects they weren't even sure they were interested in (because you decide too young).

And now, when they got their degrees, they're struggling to find jobs, or accepting lesser positions in their field (lesser pay too) because they'd otherwise be unemployed.

Meanwhile I built some capital and started doing my own thing a couple years after my first job…

I feel so bad for everyone that got dooped into this college scam…

And yea, I don't think people should be accepting shit positions just because they can't get a well paying job in their field (hire them and pay them what they're owed!)

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