
I have the answer

Society is sick. We idolize psychopaths and blame those suffering most for the ills in society. No one thinks for themselves, least of all our “experts” who either repeat someone else's idea or a corporate narritive meant solely to make every sentient being in the universe a CONSUMER, and nothing more. Anyone notice that in addition to the price for literally everything increasing, now paying for things that never cost money before, all the surcharges and taxes and fees, monthly subscriptions where it used be a purchase for the price of one month, we are being nickel and dimed and the concept of a carbon tax is these monsters literally taxing the air we breathe. what do? ​ easy, but it only works in solidarity. we close our bank accounts. a lot of us, all of us, anyone who is tired of being railroaded and lied to, gaslighted and manipulated,…

Society is sick. We idolize psychopaths and blame those suffering most for the ills in society. No one thinks for themselves, least of all our “experts” who either repeat someone else's idea or a corporate narritive meant solely to make every sentient being in the universe a CONSUMER, and nothing more.

Anyone notice that in addition to the price for literally everything increasing, now paying for things that never cost money before, all the surcharges and taxes and fees, monthly subscriptions where it used be a purchase for the price of one month, we are being nickel and dimed and the concept of a carbon tax is these monsters literally taxing the air we breathe.

what do?

easy, but it only works in solidarity. we close our bank accounts. a lot of us, all of us, anyone who is tired of being railroaded and lied to, gaslighted and manipulated, and everyone who wants a better life for themselves and their kids. Because we can do make it happen. It just takes a little creativity and willingness to have things be slightly less convenient. Beats the bloodbath that awaits if we do not start putting our feet down. …er… yeah, feeet.

Even people with a lot of money can close their accounts, buy gold for the interim or just as a tangible way to store your riches, i hear thats what royals do. that and property. Of course they'll still have mortgages and business loans, but if any of the super rich were really philanthropists, they could begin their own banking system that doesn't destroy the people who work the hardest to make their lives luxurious and abundant. they dont. the term billionaire is an oxymoron and being a billionaire is unethical by nature. don't worship the “elites” who demand respect they don't earn because they can make extra digits appear a screen. That's all it is, numbers on a screen, sometimes. Is that really worth the people living and dying on the street? children being sold, enslaved, exploited and discarded? masses dying from curable and treatable illnesses?

the people who work the hardest get paid the least. Most people cant skip work to express how they feel to politicians, and none of us can afford to lobby. The more that the USA becomes corpratized, the more fascist it will be and the less and less freedom you'll see. Because lets be real, there are no more family vacations for most. no keeping up with the joneses. camping on the weekend is out of the question for many. Unless there is something I have yet to discover where pirates give back the booty they've stolen, or where oppressors lighten up… things are only going to continue to devolve until it gets violent, which is the real reason why our government amasses the weapons they do. It's not for foreign adversaries, the weapons are to keep down me and you.

TLDR: the people have all the power.

all the power they want.

if we want our rights, liberties, freedom, and our country back, we just need to stop giving all of them away.

close your bank account, get your friends and family to do so too. if they're rich, tell them to buy gold.

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