
I have to ask this, please answer honestly.

Do you use services or shop at retailers that have the cheapest prices that might not pay or treat the help all that well. Or do you support the companies with your wallet that do, pay their employees well and don't treat them like crap? What I have noticed is those that are unhappy about the treatment of workers and the pay, are the 1st ones to shop at or use services of, or both! Of companies that pay crap and treat employees like trash. Only thing these businesses understand is the almighty dollar, buying their service or shopping there for product is why they get to treat employees like they do. Stop eating your own. spend your money elsewhere. Even if it means going without things you'd like but don't really “need” .

Do you use services or shop at retailers that have the cheapest prices that might not pay or treat the help all that well. Or do you support the companies with your wallet that do, pay their employees well and don't treat them like crap?

What I have noticed is those that are unhappy about the treatment of workers and the pay, are the 1st ones to shop at or use services of, or both! Of companies that pay crap and treat employees like trash.

Only thing these businesses understand is the almighty dollar, buying their service or shopping there for product is why they get to treat employees like they do. Stop eating your own. spend your money elsewhere. Even if it means going without things you'd like but don't really “need” .

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