
I have to vent to you all…

I apologize for another similar post to everyone's amazing stories and if I'm posting anything that's been said previously, it is unintentional. I felt inspired from the personal stories. If hard work builds character, how come I don't see the wealthy working on the floor? Mankind has been around for what 50,000 years? Of those, around 10,000 has been with the agricultural revolution. And of those, liberally we can say that 300 years have been apart of the industrial revolution. And we are to believe that this the best it gets? If hard work is so good for us, why is that I see workers dying at relatively younger ages than the people at the top, most of whom haven't had to work hard? Why is that if a poor person wants to enjoy their lives (this one shot) not working they're considered lazy, but if a trust fund kid…

I apologize for another similar post to everyone's amazing stories and if I'm posting anything that's been said previously, it is unintentional. I felt inspired from the personal stories.

If hard work builds character, how come I don't see the wealthy working on the floor? Mankind has been around for what 50,000 years? Of those, around 10,000 has been with the agricultural revolution. And of those, liberally we can say that 300 years have been apart of the industrial revolution. And we are to believe that this the best it gets? If hard work is so good for us, why is that I see workers dying at relatively younger ages than the people at the top, most of whom haven't had to work hard? Why is that if a poor person wants to enjoy their lives (this one shot) not working they're considered lazy, but if a trust fund kid or a wealthy person doesn't work, it's seen as 'oh, they've earned that right' or 'their parents worked really hard, so makes sense'. Well, hate to break it to you, but so did my parents and likely so did yours. Do we not understand that economy/money are figments of our imagination? 'We' decided that this shiny rock has a value over that not-so-shiny rock. It is because of this collective imagination that kids are allowed to starve. It's this mindset that makes us dehumanize the homeless. It's why people are dying from curable diseases… This is the reason we are destroying our earth? Our one and only home? For shiny rocks? I don't understand it. I'm the one diagnosed with mental illness yet it appears I'm not the one that should be.

Thank you for reading!

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