
I have to wear a Uniform you can’t or won’t provide, or I can’t work here? Bye.

Up until a fortnight ago, I had what was a usually enjoyable job at a local sports stadium. Had been there 7+ yrs. Very casual engagement as a second job. Didn't have to work every event, and most shifts weren't too long. Easy interaction with the public… Never had a customer complaint, always passed staff appraisals easily. I knew every nook and cranny of the stadium, all the events and 'home' teams history and fan bases. I was never really comfortable with some of their policies – like expectation not only to be on site, but in assigned location fifteen minutes before start time – unpaid – which would almost always before gates open… But lord help you if you left that location early… Or that their fingerprint time clock that was out of sync with back of house recording… Or clock in one second late or one second early?…

Up until a fortnight ago, I had what was a usually enjoyable job at a local sports stadium. Had been there 7+ yrs. Very casual engagement as a second job. Didn't have to work every event, and most shifts weren't too long. Easy interaction with the public… Never had a customer complaint, always passed staff appraisals easily. I knew every nook and cranny of the stadium, all the events and 'home' teams history and fan bases.

I was never really comfortable with some of their policies – like expectation not only to be on site, but in assigned location fifteen minutes before start time – unpaid – which would almost always before gates open… But lord help you if you left that location early… Or that their fingerprint time clock that was out of sync with back of house recording… Or clock in one second late or one second early? Docked 15 minutes…. Doesn't sound a lot but when most shifts are only four hours, it adds up…. And they could never quantify if you were covered by workers comp while making your way to work location while still not on the clock…

But… It was fairly easy while on shift, easy interaction with the public because you only had to deal with people on a human level, no grovelling or pandering to them… And you didn't have to put up with anyone's grief either…

About three years ago they revamped the uniform. New supplier, new (horrible) combination of colours, and less uniform provided. Where we used to be issued most everything for a minimal 'bond', now all but three items were only issued on a loan basis on game day. Including HATS. They claim to launder them, but no way am I wearing a hat that untold numbers of people already have.

I'm a bigger guy, and their new supplier had a pathetic sizing scale. I've NEVER had to go to 5XL in anything – until these shirts… They didn't have a jumper my size for winter. The pants were of some inexcusable cut, proportions were horrible…

So – I bought my own hat, same colour as theirs – no stadium badge. My own jumper – indistinguishable barring no badge. And I wore my own pants. For 3+ years, with no issue.

Two weeks ago HR send out a warning that anyone not in issued uniform would be sent home. Sent in BCC so no way to tell if everyone got it or certain staff were being targeted. So I replied…

You've never been able to supply a jumper to date, and have had no issue with the one I purchased.

I refuse to wear a recycled hat on health grounds. You refuse to issue one to customer service staff, even for an increased bond, yet Security staff all got one. Your hats also do not offer full sun protection in summer.

The pants you issue are of terrible tailoring and I cannot comfortably wear them. To meet my leg length, I had to go horribly oversized in the waist, and they hang from the belt loops and I look deranged and unable to dress myself. I am willing to get other pants to those I have worn without issue for the last three years, that will be closer to yours, and be missing only a small embroidery mark above a rear pocket.

They offered to find a Jumper my size – which I knew they wouldn't have. They offered to issue me a new hat to retain. But the pants were non-negotiable. Had to wear them to be 'part of the team'

For what was usually a four hour shift that could mean a 90-minute trip each way, for $100 after tax… Yeah, I'm not wearing those pants, a filthy non-protective hat, and freezing in winter because you don't have any jumpers my size (winter jackets were a daily sign-out sign-in supposedly laundered prospect too, if they had one to fit me)

So – I'm no longer working there. I returned my cleaned uniform and ID (which expired 6+ years ago and they never replaced it, making it legally invalid). It's over a week later and I am yet to see my uniform bond refunded – despite being told I had to return the uniform within four weeks or the bond would be forfeited.

I miss the interaction with the crowds and a few of the staff. I don't miss the bullshit from the management. I've actually enjoyed a few weekends at home without having to go in there….

Oh…. I nearly forgot… This came two weeks after they sent out an email saying we couldn't start conversations with other staff by asking “How Are You?” or “What have you been up to?” … Because “that's asking about personal information the other person may not want to share”

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