
I have two relatives that own restaurants. They both tell me times are hard for them…

And I get it, to an extent. They both say their costs have gone up and it’s been harder to find qualified employees. One is selling their business the other is contemplating closing shop. The thing I don’t get is, why sell or close down? Why not just make less money? They could both hire full time managers and step back from the business completely while collecting even a small salary ($15k is better than no $k) but there would be little for them to do and they could both go on to something else while the restaurants run themselves. They are convinced if they are not making $80k plus they should shut down shop.

And I get it, to an extent. They both say their costs have gone up and it’s been harder to find qualified employees.

One is selling their business the other is contemplating closing shop.

The thing I don’t get is, why sell or close down? Why not just make less money? They could both hire full time managers and step back from the business completely while collecting even a small salary ($15k is better than no $k) but there would be little for them to do and they could both go on to something else while the restaurants run themselves.

They are convinced if they are not making $80k plus they should shut down shop.

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