
I haven’t worked in about 2 years…

No point in trying to tell a story. In short, I don’t know how to psychologically prepare myself to go back to work. I just can’t tolerate sacrificing my health, wasting my life, dealing with the backstabs from employees, harassment from clients, all for a paycheck where I cannot use to live on my own. It feels like I’m force to jump off of a cliff without a parachute while everyone telling me that can I survive the jump as I see other people with broken legs.

No point in trying to tell a story. In short, I don’t know how to psychologically prepare myself to go back to work. I just can’t tolerate sacrificing my health, wasting my life, dealing with the backstabs from employees, harassment from clients, all for a paycheck where I cannot use to live on my own. It feels like I’m force to jump off of a cliff without a parachute while everyone telling me that can I survive the jump as I see other people with broken legs.

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