
I (HR) was told by admin that I can’t offer an anonymous feedback option to staff.

Last week, I added submission forms for suggestions and feedback to our company intranet. When informing the staff that this was now available, I let them know that the only one who would see their name was me, and I would pass the feedback along anonymously to whoever needed it. I had received some ind words from staff about this. Fast forward to today (Sunday). I get an email from the big boss (tagging the other managers), that it was a surprise to them, was against how we do things, and that I would need to grant access to the other managers and the big boss on Monday morning. I am also now forbidden from making those kinds of decisions without approval from admin. Am I missing something? HR at most other companies collects anonymous feedback and sentiments from staff to pass along to management as far as I'm aware.…

Last week, I added submission forms for suggestions and feedback to our company intranet. When informing the staff that this was now available, I let them know that the only one who would see their name was me, and I would pass the feedback along anonymously to whoever needed it. I had received some ind words from staff about this.

Fast forward to today (Sunday). I get an email from the big boss (tagging the other managers), that it was a surprise to them, was against how we do things, and that I would need to grant access to the other managers and the big boss on Monday morning. I am also now forbidden from making those kinds of decisions without approval from admin.

Am I missing something? HR at most other companies collects anonymous feedback and sentiments from staff to pass along to management as far as I'm aware. Apparently it goes against the “team” spirit or something….

I'm a bit lost on how I should take this. I'm already severely underpaid, and I'm kinda just done with it.

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