
I just called out and feel horrible.

This is the first time I’ve called out this year. Gotta love this millennial curse. My boss just responded with “ok”. And now my anxious ass is trying to think of any way I can push through this and go anyway. But I won’t. Not to mention the passive aggressiveness that will come from my manager tomorrow. I’m tired of feeling like I’ve asked for their firstborn child anytime I ask to leave early or call out. Here’s to resting instead of stewing on it all day and not actually resting.

This is the first time I’ve called out this year. Gotta love this millennial curse. My boss just responded with “ok”. And now my anxious ass is trying to think of any way I can push through this and go anyway. But I won’t. Not to mention the passive aggressiveness that will come from my manager tomorrow. I’m tired of feeling like I’ve asked for their firstborn child anytime I ask to leave early or call out.

Here’s to resting instead of stewing on it all day and not actually resting.

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