
I just got fired for walking away from a triggering boss.

I've worked at this place for 7 years. I had quit once before, but they asked me back and I went back against my best judgment. For the last 11 months I killed myself for that job, destroying both my mental and physical health in the process. I've gone well beyond the scope of my job to ensure the success of the branch. And today I got fired for trying ro calm myself down. The worst part to me is that I just started the process of getting help for my depression. I was literally just diagnosed yesterday. I was so happy to finally be getting treatment. I had it all planned out. Things were looking up. But this asshole had to have a meeting in the middle of a busy work day. He keep asking questions about a survey we took months ago and, no matter what we said,…

I've worked at this place for 7 years. I had quit once before, but they asked me back and I went back against my best judgment. For the last 11 months I killed myself for that job, destroying both my mental and physical health in the process. I've gone well beyond the scope of my job to ensure the success of the branch. And today I got fired for trying ro calm myself down.

The worst part to me is that I just started the process of getting help for my depression. I was literally just diagnosed yesterday. I was so happy to finally be getting treatment. I had it all planned out. Things were looking up. But this asshole had to have a meeting in the middle of a busy work day. He keep asking questions about a survey we took months ago and, no matter what we said, he would shoot down and twist everything to put the blame on us.

I've been on a hair trigger for months. I spend most days contemplating suicide as I bust my ass. I fear the loss of function in my hands. It hurts sometimes just holding my wife's hand. I'm 37 and have a hard time just walking around sometimes. So when that poor excuse for a human being said, “that's an excuse, ” I started to lose it. I start to snap, but I did my best to reel it back in. I said, “Sorry, but I need to step out and calm down.”

I was told to go home after the meeting was over. I got the call just a couple of hours ago saying I was fired.

I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do. This was my third strike, but for what? I was trying to calm down. I'm afraid. I don't know what to do. I need help.

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