
I just got laughed at by my older coworkers

So I'm male 22 and I've recently begun working at a hardware store after moving in with my brother across the state and failing to find a job in my field. I took a rather large pay cut out of moving here and to be honest, it shows pretty heavily. I've needed to get some repairs done on my car and get my tabs renewed but I simply don't have the money, every expense has already but cut. So to the actual story my older coworker, a guy in his 60s was telling me how his wife was reading a book about poverty in America and said that the number one way people get pushed into poverty is by something simply like a ticket for a tail light (one of the things I need to fix) or expired tabs, so now you gotta pay the ticket and also somehow find…

So I'm male 22 and I've recently begun working at a hardware store after moving in with my brother across the state and failing to find a job in my field. I took a rather large pay cut out of moving here and to be honest, it shows pretty heavily. I've needed to get some repairs done on my car and get my tabs renewed but I simply don't have the money, every expense has already but cut.

So to the actual story my older coworker, a guy in his 60s was telling me how his wife was reading a book about poverty in America and said that the number one way people get pushed into poverty is by something simply like a ticket for a tail light (one of the things I need to fix) or expired tabs, so now you gotta pay the ticket and also somehow find the money for the repairs. I thought he was comforting me or turning it into a conversation on politics or something since he's usually a nice guy and said “yeah your starting to see why this is such a problem, it's impossible to get ahead when the entire system is rigged against you” and as soon as I said that not only did he laugh, but the entire staff laughed except for one other 20 something like me.

I've never been more motivated in my life to look for a new job.

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