
I just heard them make fun of me

I (26M) have been working at this manufacturing company as a project manager in Canada for about 6 months now. I disliked it since I started, and have been hating and dreading it these past couple of months. The work itself is not bad, but the workload is insane. Everyone else has been working here for years and I can’t figure out why because everyone complains about how overworked they are. There are periods of calm, which people use to recharge, but usually it’s work work work. Now as for my direct team, there are some nice and decent people I work with, especially the new hires like myself. Almost all of the “tenured” PMs and my manager included, are absolutes pieces of shit. My manager has had discussions with me before about my “lack of passion” and how he thinks I will not succeed in this role, despite my…

I (26M) have been working at this manufacturing company as a project manager in Canada for about 6 months now. I disliked it since I started, and have been hating and dreading it these past couple of months. The work itself is not bad, but the workload is insane.

Everyone else has been working here for years and I can’t figure out why because everyone complains about how overworked they are. There are periods of calm, which people use to recharge, but usually it’s work work work.

Now as for my direct team, there are some nice and decent people I work with, especially the new hires like myself. Almost all of the “tenured” PMs and my manager included, are absolutes pieces of shit.

My manager has had discussions with me before about my “lack of passion” and how he thinks I will not succeed in this role, despite my solid KPIs and positive feedback from all of my clients. My manager and another senior Account Manager are the main pains in my butt around here.

Today there was someone from a different team taking a new hire project manager for a tour and introducing them around. After they came by our cubicle area, my manager and the senior AM were chatting about the new hire. My manager said he could tell the new hire would be good, just based on how he looked / carried himself.

I’ll just add that I sit close by these people so I overheard everything, but with the cubicle walls I could actually see.

The AM agreed and said my manager was right last time when he guessed, saying, “last time you were right when you thought he wouldn’t work”, and I believe the AM said this whole pointing to me. And another senior PM chimed in, agreeing, saying “yeah you were right about…” and giggled, again while I think they were pointing to me.

I’ve been working very hard here, and there are people who think I’m very good at what I do, but it doesn’t matter when my own manager doesn’t believe in me. Lately I’ve completely given up hope and am just doing the bare minimum to not get fired. I don’t care anymore.

I just spent 15 minutes on my phone typing this up during my shift. I think I’ll take an extended lunch break today too.

I would talk to HR about this, but I can’t prove they were talking about me or pointed at me, so what’s the point? I’m applying to new jobs everyday, so I’m already 1 foot out of the door

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