
I just put my two weeks in as a teacher, and I feel amazing.

I joined this school a little late in the year but was told it was told it was a great school. Best in my area in fact. Because I wasn’t getting any callbacks from other jobs outside of teaching, I decided to apply despite it being only 35k salary. If I had started at the beginning of the year, I would have gotten about 55k. Everything was going decent for a few months until parents started requesting ridiculous accommodations for their kids like: 1. No handwritten assignments (the parents thought since they don’t use it on a daily basis then their child doesn’t either) 2. No reading aloud in class 3. No points off for misspelling (despite doing the work online with an integrated spellchecker) The administration bows to anything and everything from the parents and just tells the teachers too bad, so sad. My class size total was 160+…

I joined this school a little late in the year but was told it was told it was a great school. Best in my area in fact. Because I wasn’t getting any callbacks from other jobs outside of teaching, I decided to apply despite it being only 35k salary. If I had started at the beginning of the year, I would have gotten about 55k.

Everything was going decent for a few months until parents started requesting ridiculous accommodations for their kids like:
1. No handwritten assignments (the parents thought since they don’t use it on a daily basis then their child doesn’t either)
2. No reading aloud in class
3. No points off for misspelling (despite doing the work online with an integrated spellchecker)

The administration bows to anything and everything from the parents and just tells the teachers too bad, so sad. My class size total was 160+ with around 30+ kids as the average. Admin said this was “normal” however, none of the previous schools I was at had anything close to these numbers. I ran multiple clubs after school and tried my best to be fun and fair teacher with no homework assignments given.

Today was the last straw when the assistant principal told me I had “numerous” complaints from staff, parents, and students. When I pushed back for answers, he said there were two complaints…..two. Both of them I knew of. One being from the counselor who sided with a student I sent to the office for distracting the class and taking 30 minutes in the bathroom. The second wanted no written work for their son since they screwed up his homeschooling and is severely behind. I gave my two weeks and the actual principal was stunned and shocked.

I’m a damn good teacher with the scores, certification, and know-how to prove it. However, I am done teaching. The system is failing and going home with migraines is not worth it. I have two interviews coming up. So long and thanks for all the fish!

TL:DR being a teacher sucks.

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