
I just quit and I’m over the moon

For background, I’ve spent my working life in various roles in tech. I’ve done the front line grunt work, support, sales, consulting, contracting and have spent the last few years in senior management. The company I work for has old school values that have not kept pace with the times which has inevitably lead to staff attrition. The last few years with WFH and hybrid WFH has made many people realise there’s more to life than the 9 to 5 plus commute. The final straw for me came when one of my team asked for a meeting this morning. He came in to my office, closed the door and apologised for what he was about to say. He’d been offered another job, 4 days a week with 3 from home for the same money as he’s earning now. I told him not to apologise and instead shook his hand and…

For background, I’ve spent my working life in various roles in tech. I’ve done the front line grunt work, support, sales, consulting, contracting and have spent the last few years in senior management.

The company I work for has old school values that have not kept pace with the times which has inevitably lead to staff attrition. The last few years with WFH and hybrid WFH has made many people realise there’s more to life than the 9 to 5 plus commute.

The final straw for me came when one of my team asked for a meeting this morning. He came in to my office, closed the door and apologised for what he was about to say. He’d been offered another job, 4 days a week with 3 from home for the same money as he’s earning now. I told him not to apologise and instead shook his hand and congratulated him. This guy is really great at what he does, is always really helpful, and is a genuinely nice guy to be around. For context, he’d approached me about the possibility of doing something similar here. I tried but the boomers in the boardroom won’t hear of it.

The very next thing I did was hand in my resignation. It was met with shock and disbelief followed by attempts to shame me into staying because it’s coming up to holiday season and we need support. There’s also a number of projects underway that no one else knows anything about and they’re going to need me to “see them through to completion”.

That’s the other problem. With broad experience, I get lumped with all the issues because they have no other option. I’ve actually raised the issue in business continuity and crisis management meetings. But it falls on deaf ears.

Well, no more. Now you’ll have to find a solution that isn’t me. No one is irreplaceable, but right now, you tone deaf bafoons have no answer.

I’m contractually obliged to work until Christmas but then I’m free!

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