
I just quit my first job.

So this is a little shitty burger place that’s open to very late. I came in a broke college student with no work experience, but still happy to work. I had previously told management that I could not work too late and that I had to catch a bus by a certain time which they were completely fine with, because they found a way to exploit my labor. They would purposefully schedule me 10 minutes after my bus (the very last bus) which left at 11:20, and scheduled me to leave at 11:30. When I asked to leave they would flat out tell me I was supposed to stay to the very last minute of my shift and only then could I leave then told me they would be able to drive me home if I closed. Not having any other option, I closed. I was handling a full college…

So this is a little shitty burger place that’s open to very late. I came in a broke college student with no work experience, but still happy to work. I had previously told management that I could not work too late and that I had to catch a bus by a certain time which they were completely fine with, because they found a way to exploit my labor. They would purposefully schedule me 10 minutes after my bus (the very last bus) which left at 11:20, and scheduled me to leave at 11:30. When I asked to leave they would flat out tell me I was supposed to stay to the very last minute of my shift and only then could I leave then told me they would be able to drive me home if I closed. Not having any other option, I closed. I was handling a full college work loads working 40 hour work weeks getting home at 2:00 AM every time I worked, all because these greedy fucks found someone exploitable. And they acted like they were doing me a favor.

I was getting tired of it when they really started to enforce a ‘scrub the ceiling’ policy, meaning if you see an employee standing still, have them do any type of task. It gave these managers so much power to fuck with the employees.

I put my foot down and quit because a manager attempted to write me up for taking my tip, after harassing me while I stayed after my shifts end to help them out with orders. Fuck you Hannah and your ugly last name!

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