
I just quit my job after trying to stay in the trenches

Yup! Worked for my job almost 2 years I was a poor slug, but it became abusive, I learned about the higher ups covering up a sexual assault conducted by their family member and against a worker who has ASD ,,,, I’ve been moved around a lot because the stress from me uncovering that resulted in me being suicidal last year, I’ve worked all this year without issue until finding out a manager who let the teen employees run off others and was allegedly smoking with them, one of the teens assaulted me but was fired for another reason, and then this manager threatened me with physical violence in front of the store managers, it resulted in her being moved, I got two write ups and demoted , it was blamed on me which is what one of the write ups is for and then behavior that resulted in the…

Yup! Worked for my job almost 2 years I was a poor slug, but it became abusive, I learned about the higher ups covering up a sexual assault conducted by their family member and against a worker who has ASD ,,,, I’ve been moved around a lot because the stress from me uncovering that resulted in me being suicidal last year, I’ve worked all this year without issue until finding out a manager who let the teen employees run off others and was allegedly smoking with them, one of the teens assaulted me but was fired for another reason, and then this manager threatened me with physical violence in front of the store managers, it resulted in her being moved, I got two write ups and demoted , it was blamed on me which is what one of the write ups is for and then behavior that resulted in the demotion, this write up was about breaking policy because I gave food away, my company is running a trial program for grab and go subs , and we throw away atleast 100 subs a day, it might be company policy but it is disgusting and inhumane to just throw all that food away , I’m sure town alone would be disappointed with the company since we have such a issue with poverty, but objectively THAT WRITE UP WAS FINE what’s not done is I was punished for being threatened when I was literally just standing there it was 6am and she ran up to me to confront me

but they also showed me footage of myself calling myself a victim and claiming “victims don’t act that way”

So I’ve finally had it, I don’t think I have legal recourse really wouldn’t even know what to do, but I do know that I’ll personally be reporting these people for the conduct I experienced and the best proof I have is them denying catfishing an autistic individual when the coworker was pretending to be someone else, was indeed sexual assault. And the boss claiming “now you know he is just as smart as you and me” when informing him this employee has fucking autism!!!

i can not continue as even thinking of stepping in that place again was crazy after our last conversation, I wish I would have recorded that one as to me there’s no expectation of privacy within that company, but I must’ve hit the button in my pocket and stopped it, because the last conversation also included the boss telling me I take everything as an attack. And I don’t think being upset about a covered up sexual assault and the fact a manager threatened to “beat my ass” we’re definitely anything and anyone would take personal

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